Everyone needs to see this film. It is better than any Kevin Smith film ever made. If you were waiting to see this movie, DVD is now your chance. Here was my initial review, and as you can tell Elizabeth Banks is my woman for a reason.
Ummm I think I am now in love with Elizabeth Banks.....she is not only gorgeous in this film but does a wonderful job with her character. The chemistry between the two leads is fantastic, it really makes this movie as great as it is. I didn't expect more than slapstick humor, but the story was entertaining and moved along nicely as well. I laughed so hard many times in this movie, completely hilarious throughout. The humor is very crude, but at the same time it was tasteful considering the name of the movie is Zack and Miri Make a Porno. I did not see the conclusion of the ending playing out the way it did, which is always a treat for me. Very good ending to make the movie finish with a bang. This is Kevin Smiths best movie, and reminds me of Forgetting Sarah Marshall. This film is funny, and has plenty of substance/cute romance to make me recommend everyone to see this movie....Seth Rogen is MOVIE STAR!