Darren Sproles scored the winning touchdown for the Chargers against the Colts in overtime in the AFC Divisional Round yesterday. LT was nursing a weak groin, so Sproles got the bulk of the load. I used to walk by Darren Sproles on the Kansas State University campus every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On my way to my geography class I'd admire him for how big he actually was. I must have forgone thinking to say that about someone who is only 5'6 and plays in the NFL. That's tiny by comparison to even field goal kickers! But don't lets Sproles size fool you. He is one of the hardest workers in the weight room, and as it shows it pays off. When Sproles was a member of Kansas State Football, he could out bench press everyone on the team. Everyone. Even those huge lineman. Sproles showed what strength can do as he busted through Antoine Bethea's arm tackle for this game deciding touchdown. If the Chargers have to march through the playoffs without LT, Sproles has shown his feet can indeed fill big shoes.