Today I finally get to see the Defiance, a film that I am so pumped to see. Midnight showing hopefully. Of course Hollywood loves people by water, so movie goers on the east and west coast have been watching this film for a week. Efff us right? We live in the middle of the country. Anyway. Daniel Craig and his two brothers are hiding from Nazis, which is always a good time. They will also be killing Nazis, which leads to an even more amount of joy. THINK dropping the Subway Advertising Executive off a cliff just before they were allowed to approve the 5 dollar foot long jingle for their commercials TYPE JOY. This just in: I really hate that Subway Jingle, and Free Credit Report.com. That guy needs to be crossed off a list too. On to better things, like the LOST Season 5 premiere is only 6 days away!! What will be the path of the Oceanic Six back to the ISLAND??? Mothhaa What??!