The title of this article is a joke. A plot to this movie was sex appeal, and women were the main characters.
I am definitely lying when I said this film needed more women. Miss March has an abundance of many different attractive women. But the missing element from this film was more screen time from its lead female role Raquel Alessi (seen above). The girl the film is based around is not present most of the time, and this film really needed her.
Miss March is about Eugene and Cindi, a young couple in love about to have sex for the first time after prom. Right before Eugene is finally about to go upstairs to his awaiting girlfriend he walks through the wrong door and trips down stairs into the basement. From the fall he is knocked into a 4 year coma. He awakes to find only his bone head friend Tucker at his bedside, and not his loving girlfriend. She is missing, until he finds her in the centerfold of the March issue of Playboy.
The mission as you can guess is to get to the Playboy mansion to see her. On the trip to Los Angeles they have many crazy encounters and strange situations. Most of them way over the top. Some times hilarious, and others it is just terrible. It is definitely the same style that writers Zach Cregger and Trevor Moore have in their television show The Whitest Kid U Know. The humor is very unique which makes it stand out among other comedies.
The way the writers depict mainstream hip hop music in this film is absolutely hilarious. It is so funny because of the truth that resides in the idea.
The worst aspect of this film was the editing. Miss March could have benefited from being much shorter. This could have been easily accomplished by editing out many of the useless and unfunny scenes. With such a uncommon style of humor Cregger and Moore definitely missed with a lot of bad jokes. And a good editor would have seen that and helped this film be less of an attempt for one liners and more of a story.
This film could have benefited from face time with more than just the two lead characters (also Cregger and Moore). The missing face of Miss March really hurt. She definitely needed to be a bigger part of the story to give this film some depth, and not just all this silly humor. The story had some moments, but overall the script was bad and so was the acting. Worth a few laughs, but I wouldn't recommend seeing this in theaters. Spending that much money on a screening of Miss March isn't worth it. I'd wait for the DVD to give this one a shot.
Editors note: Hugh Hefner is worse at acting than Roger Clemens in front of Congress. I knew he was really really really bad at acting before this film. Upon finishing this film Hef established himself as the all time worst. He is so bad it is actually humorous to watch him. I felt like I was watching Hef in that play put on by the retarded people in the end of that Special Olympics movie The Ringer.
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