Monday, June 28, 2010


With the release of The Last Airbender just days away now, the $130 million marketing campaign is obviously in full force. If any readers have been watching the World Cup, The Last Airbender name is plastered all over the screen during commercial breaks, post game coverage, and "Air Bending Goals of the Day, presented by The Last Airbender."

Without being able to escape the grasp of this huge blockbuster's marketing, people across the country like myself are made to wonder if the overall quality of the movie will match its amazing visuals. This film is led by the on and off M. Night Shyamalan, who has been off quite a bit lately (The Happening, The Village, Lady in the Water). Considering Shyamalan's history, he can either help a movie kill at the box office or kill a movie entirely... especially with the endings.

One thing Shyamalan does not have a whole lot of experience with is shooting large scale action sequences like the ones seen in the Airbender previews. On that thought, I think Shyamalan has proven he has the potential to succeed with this project as the slow motion epic looking fight scenes continue to flood our television sets. Two new clips were released from Paramount to stimulate anticipation for the release in three days which is trying to compete with the average but always banking Twilight series. The first shows the main character Aang fighting with some of the coolest, almost dreamlike domination moves over the Fire Nation minions. The second shows a battle between Zuko and Katara.

The Mash has been all over this movie as Barrett was able to sit down with some of the film's stars last week. If you have not checked out the interview, check it here. The release is only days away now, and it comes out of course in 3D!!! (but also in 2D as the previews subtly tell us)

Aang battles the Fire Nation

Zuko vs. Katara 


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