This film surprised me. It was definitely not a typical Bond piece. Not flashy Pierce.... but a hardcore BOND! Just MERKIN'(murdering) fools right and left.
Daniel Craig is a baller, and will go down as one of the best Bonds for sure. I liked the action in this film, but not the way it was shot. If the director was trying to convey the confusion and disarray of gun battles and fights scenes, I got it. It's craziness with lots of guns firing. But this is a film production, and this is James Bond. I want to watch the action unfold in a scene, not just have violent images violently flashed at me. Almost headache inducing at times, not to mention confusing to what is really going on. I just think this film could have been shot and edited much better. Boooo Director Marc Foster....bad Director bad.
I liked the script, it has the Bond sarcastic touch. Well acted on top of that. I did enjoy the villain in this chapter of Bond. He makes you hate him. The more you see him the more you despise him....perfect for a villain. I enjoyed the two extremely beautiful females, especially the red head Gemma Amerton (above)....I loooooovvve red heads.
All in all, a very good Bond movie, but no where near my favorite. Tons of action, Bond kicking absolute ass, and one beautiful Aston Martin. If you don't know what that is, wait 30 seconds into the movie. In my humble opinion Daniel Craig is the best Bond. I just love him in this character. This film was not the best chapter in the Bond series, but really moving in the right direction after some failing Pierce Brosnan productions.